Saturday, 21 January 2017

Advance image pattern searching algorithm

Advance image pattern searching algorithm
With many potential practical applications, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has attracted substantial attention during the past few we decides to implement our project using advance image pattern searching algorithm. In exsiting system, images are searched based on the image name (i.e. based on the text search).In proposed system, images are searched based on the image patterns such as pixels, resolution, height and width of the image.In this product software, semi supervising algorithm is used for image searching.
It consists of two modules:admin module and user module.In this software product,admin have to upload too many images into the record.
If user wants to search image among multiple images from the record means the inputed image pixels,height,resolution,width is compared with the pixels,resolution,height and width of the multiple images in the record. If there is any matches found between the inputed images and multiple images in the record,now  the multiple images from the record are listed out based on the matching between the inputed one and inbuilt records.
Once if the user found the image from the record then they have to add hidden text character ,gray scale and colour change property with the selected image.
This product software is very useful for the investigation department and government organizations such as while taking adhar cards.

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